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80% of China's science and innovation companies are optimistic about the economic environment in 2018

author: TIME:2018/4/17

      80 percent of China‘s  science and innovation companies are optimistic about the macroeconomic environment in 2018. China‘s  first science and technology bank, Shanghai pudong development bank, issued a report on the 2018 annual report of China‘s  science and innovation enterprise, released in Shanghai on Tuesday.

       The report says entrepreneurs around the world are confident about 2018. For kechuang enterprise in China, the government attention to the innovation economy, and China‘s huge consumer groups for mobile iterative growth in consumer demand, both as a source of enterprise business environment to keep optimistic confidence.
At the same time, the report argues that financing and hiring remain the biggest challenges.
      2018 "Chinese kechuang enterprise outlook, according to the survey, 88% of kechuang business owners think that the financing difficulty, 35% of Chinese kechuang enterprise said their sources of funds will be vc, 20% said funding sources are private. Meanwhile, 66 per cent of respondents said it was difficult to recruit the right people. More than a third of companies surveyed said rising living costs were the most important factor affecting their development.
       "The challenges facing science and innovation are everywhere," says DaveJones, President of the silicon valley bank and Asia President of silicon valley bank. But a series of potential positive factors, such as industrial upgrading, consumption upgrading and technological innovation, will bring infinite vitality to China‘s innovative economy in 2018. China‘s science and technology companies are rapidly growing up, and they are rapidly integrating with the world. In the world‘s innovation ecosystem, China‘s power is not to be underestimated.
        Previously, data from aliyun also showed that in China, seven start-ups were born in one minute. China‘s young entrepreneurs are more aggressive, open, inclusive and diverse.


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