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The deputy head of ningjin county carried a delegation to visit Ningjin Fangda Science Park

author: TIME:2018/4/17

       Recently, wei baohong, deputy head of ningjin county, accompanied guo tao, executive vice President of yanyuan science park of Peking University, and wu lanbin, President of yue sheng group, to visit the park.

       The deputy general manager of the park has explained the development history, operation mode, park planning, industrial gathering and service platform of the six enterprises. During the visit, the visiting business leaders gave high recognition to the operation and service mode of the park, and the two sides had in-depth communication and communication on the industry prospect and operation mode.
Finally, long wei country of this visit is certainly exchange activities, and have high hopes for the development of the park in the future, encouraging companies to expand the channel of communication, hope that through learning and communication between the enterprise, constantly progress and improve.
The park merchants center, service center and office staff participated in the reception.

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