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Notification of the organization of training activities on frequently asked questions and techniques for business negotiations

author: TIME:2018/4/17

Park enterprises:
        Business negotiation as a tool of enterprise to realize the economic goal, the quality of bargaining power determines the reach or not and how much the profit of the enterprise business, can play an important role for enterprises to exploit market, is also a important way to acquire market information. To improve park entrepreneurs and enterprise management ability of commercial negotiations, park invited the hebei economic and trade university professor silver peak, hold to the current "common problems and business negotiation skills" training activities, we are looking for the park enterprises to actively participate in. Specific activity arrangement notice is as follows:
1. Activity time: 9:30-11:30 on Thursday, April 19, 2018.
2. Activity location: multi-function hall, floor 4, building 6.
3. Theme of activity: common problems and skills in business negotiation.
Iv. Activity content: common problems in the general process of business negotiation, hidden crisis in various stages of business negotiation, strategies and skills of various stages of business negotiation, etc.
5. Invited guests: professor sanfeng sanfeng, dean of the school of business administration, hebei university of business and economics, MBA tutor.
Participants: entrepreneurs, business executives.
7. Registration method: wang zongtai 0311-66685202, 17732187875.

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