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Notice of the national intellectual property model city work plan in 2018

author: TIME:2018/4/2

National intellectual property demonstration city intellectual property office:
        For the further implementation of the 2018 session of the national intellectual property office of the commissioner, to advance the state council on accelerating the construction of the power of intellectual property rights under the new situation several opinions "" much starker choices-and graver consequences-in the state intellectual property protection and the use of" planning "puts forward the objectives of the task, to further strengthen the demonstration city of classification guidance and dynamic management, enhance the demonstration city work level, lay a more solid foundation for the power of intellectual property construction, and 2018 national demonstration city of intellectual property work plan, approved by the board, are hereby printed and distributed, please comply with them.
             Each model city should focus on the work, integrate various resources and organize the implementation of various tasks in the work plan to ensure the effective results.                                                    

                                                           Office of the state intellectual property office.

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