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Successful reception of Banks and Enterprises

author: TIME:2018/4/2

           To solve enterprise financing difficulties, optimize the environment of doing business, big science and technology park actively build platforms, combined the postal savings bank of China friendship north street branch was held on March 22, 2018, the first phase of the national-level "argues, Banks and enterprises face to face communication and communication, listen to the needs, in close cooperation relations. In the park, jineng power, shifeng communications and other enterprises participated in the activity.

        At the meeting, the head of China postal savings bank introduced the banks loan products, product features and conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The leaders of the meeting respectively introduced the production and operation situation, and the financial demand of the enterprise development.

        The success of ccpit, aimed at Banks, enterprises set up a platform of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual support, financing and bank business development for the enterprise into a more convenient channel, realize the effective link of financial capital and the enterprise needs.


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