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The signing ceremony between Hebei Fangda Science and Technology Co., Ltd and Inceptima Management Consulting Co., Ltd

author: TIME:2018/3/28

On the afternoon of January 29, 2018, Hebei Fangda Science and Technology Co ., Ltd. and Inceptima Management Consulting Co., Ltd. signed a successful signing ceremony in Shijiazhuang to the Ling Health City Triomph Hotel.Martin Ezemma, head of International Business, Prince George County Economic Development Agency; Asmaa Idrisu, General Manager, Inceptima Management Consulting Company, USA; Zeng Xiaotao, Deputy General Manager, Zhongguancun overseas Science and Technology Park, Beijing; and Liu Xuzhuang, General Manager, Hebei Fangda Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Hou Xianying, executive deputy general manager, deputy general manager of Hebei Fangda Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Cai Hongtao, general manager of Shijiazhuang sub-park of Zhongguancun overseas Science and Technology Park, and representatives of Fangda Science and Technology Park enterprises attended the signing ceremony.

Speech by hou xianying, deputy general manager of hebei fangda technology co., LTD. In his speech, Hebei Fangda Science  Technology Co., Ltd. adheres to the enterprise spirit of “Resources Collection, Great Capability”. Under the strong support of Shijiazhuang Hi-tech Zone, it has formed a mature and advanced technology incubator operation model.In 2017, Hebei Fangda Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhongguancun overseas Science and Technology Park decided to cooperate in the operation of Zhongguancun overseas Science and Technology Park (Shijiazhuang Branch Park).The new park is positioned as an accelerating technology business incubator.he new park is committed to the construction of standardized and international parks, and efforts to build the "four center, the two platform".Zhongguancun overseas science and technology park (shijiazhuang sub-park) is a new highland for scientific and technological innovation of beijing-tianjin-hebei collaborative development, transfer of technological achievements and the convergence of resources at home and abroad.

Asmaa Idrisu, general manager of Inceptima Management Consulting, USA,and Cai Hongtao,general manager of Hebei Fangda Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and general manager ofShijiazhuang branch of Zhongguancun Overseas Technology Technology Co.,Ltd. signed astrategic cooperation agreement. After the contract was signed, Martin Ezemma, head ofi nternational business at Prince Georges County Economic Development Department in the United States, gave a detailed introduction to the investment environment of Prince George County. Ms. Asmaa Idrisu introduced Inceptima, and theparticipating companies had a deep  understanding of the local market and Inceptima is business scope.

The Inceptima and management consulting firm in cooperation with the United States, not only marks the Hebei side Polytron Technologies Inc began to attract overseas international science and technology park service platform, the establishment of resource quality companies, but also made a great contribution to the territory of Shijiazhuang region and Hebei province to attract high-quality foreign investment.

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